MAP-21, Freight Legislation, and Common Sense

MAP-21 promises to modernize and reform our current transportation system. The goals are to “help create jobs, accelerate economic recovery, and build the foundation for long-term prosperity.” Quote taken from a Senate document that outlines the bill.

Congress says they’re going to make everything performance based. They say they’re going to streamline Federal transportation projects. They say State governments will have more leeway in how they spend your Federal income tax dollars…as long as certain conditions are met in congestion, air quality, and road maintenance.

It’s all here to download, if you can wade through 500+ pages.

It’s a two year promise to improve our infrastructure without increasing the deficit. What comes after that is anybody’s guess.

One of the interesting provisions designates roads as part of the Primary Freight Network – the main routes for surface transportation of freight. States will have until next summer to get up to 27,000 miles of their highways and major rural roads into the Federal maintenance plan.

Then the DOT will track how much all of this spending is supposed to improve the flow of freight across America.

Here’s a way to improve the way freight moves on the interstate that doesn’t cost a penny. Have non-commercial local traffic in metropolitan areas stay off the Primary Freight Network as much as possible! There are ways to get to work, the gym or the grocery store that don’t clog the interstate and other major arteries.

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